Friday, September 25, 2009

Flash in the class!

I remember getting started with flash myself for the first time and it was a little difficult. Now we have just started our mini game project lesson. Wow it was really difficult getting my students started. They were excited to start, but realized really quick how much they need to pay attention. They are still excited, and now a lot more focused, as flash is not an easy program for anyone. They also upload files for the first time to the file gallery and posted them onto their projects page. I guess that is why I was getting a little frustrated at first, as we had a lot of new things for them to learn. We are working through and learning each and every day.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Working on Progress Reports

Time has really flown by, seems like yesterday I just started Globaloria Academy 1 and today I had to complete my first progress report. This is a really great way to see the progress of both myself and my students. I have reflected on where I started and where I am now. I have really made progress myself with some new technology tools like wikis and blogs. They are very interesting and creative ways to grab attention of students. It really is true that when they are aloud to take ownership and design things their way, they really enjoy it and don't mind working near as much. My students love to blog and add and make changes to their wiki pages. My most useful tool is the learning log. I love this learning log idea, I think that logs should be used in other classes as well. It allows teachers and students to follow their progress and keep a tracking recording of teaching/learning. It keeps teachers on their toes and makes sure you stay on task. I am really enjoying the class and also enjoy learning all of the other useful tools.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Globaloria Buzz!

Here at Sandy River Middle Globaloria is really getting popular. Last year there was only one class of eighth graders who participated, and this year we have a group of seventh and eighth graders. So the word about this class is really getting out. We do not have a sixth grade section and that is where most of the questions and comments are coming from. They are excited and very interested in becoming a Globaloria student. When you mention students creating games then excitement always follows. I don't know how the responses are going at other schools, but here Globaloria is getting to be a big deal. I know that the game design is what captures attention, but my students are having a blast with blogs and wikis. I hope the motivation continues throughout the year.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Student motivation

When teachers get excited something great must be happening with learning. Most of them had never heard of blogger, but now are all familiar with it. I was worried about trying to get my students to blog but they are actually excited about it. What a creative way to grab attention and get them involved. This may be one of the easiest parts of the globaloria program. When they got to start adding their gadgets that is when they really got hooked. They were constantly showing me what they had done with their page. I really enjoy teaching when students get excited about what they are doing. I think I have a class of shining stars!!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Getting started with my students!

Sorry I am a few days late, but it has been busy! At our conferences in Charleston all of the returning educators told me that I would learn with and from the students. I have found this to be so true in just setting up our wikis and blogs. They have told me how to do things and helped me with colors they are really excited. This seems to be a very busy time just getting everyone set up with all of their accounts. We are making it at a pretty fair speed. We are all excited and I can't wait to see some of the ideas the kids come up with. I have some very talented and creative students. So I have very high expectations for all of you. Good Luck and Enjoy!!!!