Thursday, September 30, 2010

Math topics for 7th grade students

The groups have been set and students have now chosen their math CSO that their game will be based on.  Last year I made the mistake of letting my students choose any math topic they wanted, well we ended up with games that were for students in elementary school.  My last year students worked really hard, and were very successful.  I just wanted this years students to create games on their grade level.  We walked through all of the seventh grade content standards and each group picked one for their game.  We have games on topics such as graphing, taxes, tips, discounts, scientific notation, and integers.  No more than two groups are working on the same topic.  We have a wide variety of topics and I am really excited about of the game ideas.  There are a lot of creative minds in Globaloria this year, so I have high expectations for them all!!!!

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